open process LAVAGEM | ABLUTION, 2018
Duration: 1 hour
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo/SP
Performance performed at Casa Triângulo by artists Bruna Amaro, Juliana dos Santos and Daniel Lie at the exhibition Filhes do Fim by Daniel Lie.
photos and video record: Gabriel dos Santos

Registration of the Open Process of body experiments for the installation and performance LAVAGEM / ABLUTION, held in the exhibition Filhes do Fim, by Daniel Lie. This action took place at Casa Triângulo in March 2018 and started with movements and acts based on Afro-descendant and Asian dances and rituals. LAVAGEM / ABLUTION is a performative and installative action created by Juliana dos Santos, Bruna Amaro, and Daniel Lie, opened at the Bouge B Festival, Antwerp, Belgium, in April 2018.